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Provided Comparators and Factories

intl-sort provides different comparators that can handle most of your needed sorting cases, so you don’t have to rely on creating your own custom comparator for every requirement. This is a list of the provided comparators and their factories that come with intl-sort. These can be used for the sorter builder to be able to sort different elements of your array.

Basic Comparator

This is the basic comparator which is used if you don’t inject a factory instance into the builder’s second constructor argument. It will handle simple scalar values like integers and strings. When you use

$sortBuilder = Budgegeria\IntlSort\Builder::create('de_DE');

it is the same as if you’re injecting the factory of the basic comparator like this:

$sortBuilder = new Budgegeria\IntlSort\Builder('de_DE', new Budgegeria\IntlSort\ComparatorFactory\Standard());

CallableAccess Comparator

CallableAccess allows you to access the values with a callable that is provided by you in the constructor of the factory.


$factory = new Budgegeria\IntlSort\ComparatorFactory\CallableAccess('strtolower');
// or
$factory = new Budgegeria\IntlSort\ComparatorFactory\CallableAccess(fn (mixed $value) => strtolower($value));
$sortBuilder = new Budgegeria\IntlSort\Builder('de_DE', $factory);


class Foo
    public function __invoke(mixed $value)
        return strtolower($value);

$factory = new Budgegeria\IntlSort\ComparatorFactory\CallableAccess(new Foo());
$sortBuilder = new Budgegeria\IntlSort\Builder('de_DE', $factory);

You can use the CallableAccess to handle value objects inside the callable function too.