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type specifier allowed value types
number float, integer
number_halfway_down float, integer
number_halfway_up float, integer
number_ceil float, integer
number_floor float, integer
integer integer
currency float, integer
percent float, integer
spellout float, integer
ordinal integer
$intlFormat = (new Budgegeria\IntlFormat\Factory())->createIntlFormat('en_US');

echo $intlFormat->format('%number', 1002.25);
// "1,002.25"
echo $intlFormat->format('%.4number', 1002.25);
// "1,002.2500"
echo $intlFormat->format('%02.2number_halfeven', 1.225);
// "1.22"
echo $intlFormat->format('%02.2number_halfway_down', 1.225);
// "1.22"
echo $intlFormat->format('%02.2number_halfway_up', 1.225);
// "1.23"
echo $intlFormat->format('%02.2number_ceil', 1.221);
// "1.23"
echo $intlFormat->format('%02.2number_floor', 1.229);
// "1.22"
echo $intlFormat->format('%integer', 1002.25);
// "1,002"
echo $intlFormat->format('%percent', 1);
// "100%"
echo $intlFormat->format('%spellout', 1);
// "one"
echo $intlFormat->format('%ordinal', 1);
// "1st"
echo $intlFormat->format('%currency', 1.1);
// "$1.10"

The type specifier number also allows fraction digits similar to sprintf by adding a dot with an amount of digits.

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